Adventures in Spankville I
As regular readers will know, from time to time this blog runs anecdotes of supposed real spanking adventures. These are often random snippets dug up from an old back-up drive of stories culled from...
View ArticleIn the Red Corner
Somehow she knew before she did it that she shouldn’t. But it had ever been a battle between them. He would say ‘you can’t,’ ‘you mustn’t,’ and ‘don’t.’ And she would say, “I know” while thinking ‘only...
View ArticleSpanking: a social study
A reckless youth strand on Life Forum led to couple of interesting snippets: more on the others at a later date. This one was kind of fun but by the sounds of it this project didn’t get very far which...
View ArticleGood Old Bad Old days
The big fat F was written in red and Cassie felt sick. Her last paper had been a D, her third that semester, and she had been sure that even in the worst case scenario she would have scraped an E minus...
View ArticleThe Sinclair Method (part 2)
Our story began here. Jenny had been too embarrassed to get dressed in front of Miss Bowman but it felt strange standing in the hallway of the hotel naked from the waist down. She suspected that Alice...
View ArticleThe Lord of the Dance
The sun was unexpectedly warm as she crept from under the trees where it was still winter cool. Stepping from the shadows, she revelled in the contrast as she moved from the chill into the summer-like...
View ArticleVenus and Mars
He studied the lines of canes that hung above the solid Jacobean drawers. In them, he knew, were paddles and straps and all manner of tools for his trade. The furniture had been darkened with age until...
View ArticleThe Sinclair Method (part 16)
Our story began here. Alice realised that Janet and Jenny had allowed her to mark time and had given the training schedule some shape. While they were there then keep two basically good kids in line...
View ArticleFriends Like These
The noise from the street seemed close, but it could have been worse. The old block of flats was up a side street and they were three floors up with only one level above them. The young woman danced...
View ArticleThe Deal (part 2)
Part 1 here Carolynn dropped into an easy chair by the door and offered John Dacia a rueful smile. “As forewarned I came out short,” she said with a shrug. “Thanks for giving me options though, you...
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